Quality Notecards by The Cameron Collection of Mary McMenamin's Paintings
Blank inside, protective gloss varnish coating over vivid, full color art by Mary McMenamin

Qty. TITLE CODE & SIZE Card (each)
Min.Order of 5
(fill in box)
Artist Mary McMenamin
Cottage at Merrybrooke Pond CMP 5x7 $1.00 $5
Deer Creek Hideaway DCH 5x7 $1.00 $5
Glen Haven GNH 5x7 $1.00 $5
Old Bridge House OBH 5x7 $1.00 $5
Cabernet CAB 5x7 $1.00 $5
Chardonnay CHA 5x7 $1.00 $5
Merlot MER 5x7 $1.00 $5
Pinot Noir PIN 5x7 $1.00 $5
RIE 5x7
Sauvenion Blanc SAU 5x7 $1.00 $5
Zinfandel ZIN 5x7 $1.00 $5
California Brushetta CBA 5x7 $1.00 $5
Dark Chocolate Cake DCC 5x7 $1.00 $5
Brushetta BRU 5x7 $1.00 $5
Pound Cake PDC 5x7 $1.00 $5
Good Morning Coffee GMC 5x7 $1.00 $5
Total Minimum Order of 25 (5 sets of any 5 cards) $25
Save $0.20 each card with an order of 100 $80
Add totals from rows above.
Shipping & handling: Add 2.50 per order of 25 cards OR....
Add $5.00 shipping & handling per order of 100 cards
TOTAL (then fill-in section below)

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number ()
Street address
Payment . . . .
If paid by check: product will ship upon check clearing.
To speed up order, pay by Money Order, Cashier's Check, or Credit Card (below).
Credit Card # . . . .
Authorization Street Address and Zip associated with your card
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Make checks payable to: McMenamin Gallery
Mail to: 234 Avenida Cabrillo, #C, San Clemente, CA 92672

McMenamin Art Index
McMenamin Biography